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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

What Happened Today

I don't know why I'm killing time blogging but I'm just going to bore myself by writing what happened today. We attended a wedding of a couple whom my dad is a sponsor. On the way there, we talked about deep things, about his girlfriend, what happened between him and my mom, and more things I did not know about his life, my life, and everything else in my family's life.

Somewhere between those conversations, a tinge of sorrow hit me. I realized that life indeed is full of regrets and adversities. There I was, talking to a person who lived more than half of his life already and still wishes for a better life. You cannot get everything you want. No wonder people have aspired for an afterlife, where everything that they hoped for exists and can be experienced.

The food was awesome by the way. My favorite was the sarciadong isda. I asked my dad for the ingredients and I want to cook it some time. =) The reception is also very beautiful. However for me, I wish to be married in a beach resort.:3

Yun lang. SOBRANG RANDOM DIBA? HAHA. Goodnight. =)

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