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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

5 Facebook Behaviors Which Show That You're Still Not Over Your Ex

I'm not yet over you, therefore I will broadcast it
I'm not yet over you, therefore I will broadcast it
I will not deny it, I have done some pretty embarrassing things in Facebook and I really regret some of them. Some of them involve relationship problems. I find it amusing how some (or even most of us) seek attention in our social media profiles when we undergo relationship problems and the like. Have you and your partner recently broken up? Admit it--we've been there at some point and with the advent of social media and its power to broadcast and affect our personal lives, I came up with the most common (and nonsensically humorous) behaviors in Facebook which are definitely signs that you're still not over your ex.

"May I use your account to view his profile? Teehee."
"May I use your account to view his profile? Teehee."
1. You were able to unfriend or block him but you still view his profile from your mutual friends' accounts. Admit it, you've done this before! What's the point of blocking or deleting your ex-partner when you still crave to view his profile every now and then? "I can't take it, I must know how he is doing," that's our primary excuse.  Oh well, can't blame you for that. It's a subtle way to show that you're strong and moving on (even when you're secretly stalking you ex).

"Is he saying 'take care' to her? What a flirt!"
"Is he saying 'take care' to her? What a flirt!"

2. As you view your ex's profile, you scan through comments to see if there's an attractive woman/man that your ex is chatting with. You try to look for clues to see if he's dating anyone new. You feel that sinking feeling if you find out who it is, and you bask yourself in a bucket of ice cream and self-loathing. Sure, you can do this, but promise that you will jog the morning after. The best vengeance is success, remember that! ;-)

3. You're posting vague statuses about how you feel. "Changes are inevitable". It could mean anything, yeah, but most of your closest friends know what you're talking about so don't kid yourself. Vague statuses are fine every once in a while, but if you're posting it, say, at 30-minute intervals, it's just plain annoying.

4. You're posting Youtube music links in relation to your current status. Songs or even videos which you can relate to (mostly breakup songs or songs about moving on) are very common to people who underwent a sad breakup. Some even go far to make music covers of the songs they can relate to. Well, whatever floats your boat.
For the sake of jealousy, let's pretend I'm interested.
For the sake of jealousy, let's pretend I'm interested.
5. You start having active conversations in your wall towards the opposite sex in the hopes of making your ex jealous. This is really funny because even if you just want to end the conversation with this random person, you try to prolong it just for the sake of making your ex jealous. Relate-able, eh? Well, it's a desperate move but we've all been there.

I do hope I placed a smile on your face despite what you may be going through. Though these tell-tale signs show that you're still not over your ex, in time you will be. All it takes is learning to love yourself, pursuing your passions and appreciating life for what it is--its gains, losses, wins and defeats. It's all part of learning, of growing and being human.

Check out this great book that I recommend for the ladies who are trying to recover from a breakup:

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