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Saturday, April 5, 2014

Simple Ways to Form Good Habits

English: Exercising outdoors is healthier than...
English: Exercising outdoors is healthier than working out indoors. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I am a lazy person by nature. It is very difficult for me to prepare early, exercise or even exert effort in those things that make me feel uncomfortable. It's really difficult when you are starting to get annoyed of your routine because there are some things you cannot change. Are you frustrated because you want to be an overall better person but you can't seem to be one because of some bad habits here and there? Here are simple ways that can help you form good habits that can improve the quality of your life.

1. Make a list
Make a list of things that you don't like about the things that you're doing, such as eating junk food, sleeping late, eating too much sweets, not exercising, lingering in the social media for too long, etc.

2. Negate the list by forming a good habit that can replace the bad ones
Now, after listing the things that you don't like, negate these things by replacing it with the good habits. For example, if eating junk food is something you don't like about yourself, replace it by a good habit such as eating healthy food or avoiding junk food.

3. In making good habits, be specific!
It is very very (I emphasize) important to be specific in setting good habits for the overall improvement of your life. It is not enough that you say that you will start eating healthy food from now on. For example, you can start being specific in this habit by specifying which times of the day would you strictly eat healthy food (e.g. breakfast and lunch). What happens when you don't become specific? You end up overlooking your goals and habits.

4. Make it visible
Another thing that helped me keep my good habits in check is to always write them in my journal. I always include them in my to-do list, such as exercising, preparing baon, drinking vitamins, tea, etc. The more you make it visible, the more room that you're allowing your mind to remember it.

5. Cut yourself some slack once in a while
Unless your bad habits involve some kind of spiritual conflict or  addiction, you must at least cut yourself some slack or rest once in a while, such as one day a week per habit. This is for you to prevent being burned out or have lack of motivation in work.

6. Dare yourself to do it in 21 days
This is the so-called popular habit dare, which asks you to form habits within 21 days. The only catch here is you have to do it 21 times each day so that the habit will be established. This is somewhat in psychology what they call "conditioning" and this is effective if I will base it on my experience since it worked for me! Now that I formed some habits that I did not use to do before, I feel very uncomfortable if I can't do it in a certain day.

7. If you slip, don't let yourself slip again
If you missed a day doing your certain good habit due to unforseen circumstances, don't let yourself slip again the next day! Push yourself if you have to, so that the habit won't be gone.

I hope you enjoyed this post and do share if you have good tips in forming good habits.

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