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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Accepting Changes

Credit: http://thisisindexed.com

I recently discovered myself to be a very rigid person in terms of my schedule. If there's a hint of OC-ness in me, it would be in that area. I noticed that I am easily upset when things don't go as I planned or expected it to be, no matter how mundane it is. I'll give you an example. It will make me agitated that I won't be able to buy a toothpaste in a convenient store on a Tuesday and I have to buy it on a Wednesday. I am that shallow. When people cancel on me when I invite them to do things, or unexpected circumstances changes my plans it greatly upsets me as well.

Monarch butterfly caterpillar, Danaus plexippu...
Monarch butterfly caterpillar, Danaus plexippus, chewing on butterflyweed pod (Photo credit: Martin LaBar (going on hiatus))
Over time, I have learned to accept changes no matter how big or small they are. I have to accept that the only constant thing in life aside from God's love is change. There are quite a handful of changes that I experienced lately over a short period of time. Some of them hurt me. Some of them were okay. Some of them were good changes. But in the end, all is well. I am okay despite those changes. I know that through changes I am growing, learning and unlearning. Just like an itchy caterpillar, I may be itching to find out what really is in store for me. But I have to crawl through some rough branches, eat a few apples, and get along some fellow caterpillar on my way to become an awesome, picture-worthy butterfly. And now I am curious to watch metamorphosis documentaries on of Discovery Channel on Youtube. How geeky and impulsive is that? Haha.

In this blog I have an "About Me" corner that I wrote just a few months back. I never thought that I had to erase or add some parts in a short amount of time but I guess just what I keep saying to myself: Things change. People change. Situations change. It may suck, it may be the greatest thing ever, and it's just the way it is. Learning to accept it and growing from it is the only way to make it through.

How you do deal with changes?

Because of this post, I was inspired to make a text design in my online shop:

Have you ever heard the saying that "Change is constant?", well let's put in a Mathematical perspective with this new saying which is in this item: "In Life's Equation, Change is Constant". Be inspired, and be more open to changes in your life.

Click on the link below to buy this case:

Click on the link below to see the design on other products:


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